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Friday, July 17, 2009


Thanks SO much! What a great way to start the weekend! :)

Love those music-inspired layouts!

these are sooo fun. I love those funny dance photos ;) Great challenge!

Congrats to the winner! Another fun challenge for this week. Hopefully I'll find time to play along. :)

Fun fun stuff! LOVE that Beyonce layout, too funny!!!

here's my music inspired layout. :)
yay! my first completed challenge!

Such fun layouts for a Friday!

Here's my layout:

I just had to give it a try... great challenge! :)

Here is my layout:

I love AC-products.
Here is my music-layout; consert with Michelle: http://www.papirhobby.no/2009/06/25/snart-scrappetreff/

I loved working on this challenge. I started with the photo, found a few lines from a favourite song and told a story to go along. I would have never come up with this angle for the journalling without this challenge, so thank you! :)


What an amazing challenge. It should have been super easy for me, but I guess that all the great options made it hard... Anyways, I really enjoyed making this layout because of the new perspective. Here's the link:


Thanks for making me scrap this little tid-bit of my daughter's life that might've been forgotten otherwise!

music challenges are the best! here's a page about my beastie boys playlist. thanks!


Here's my layout: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_UjLZm9DwVus/SmTAVeEUywI/AAAAAAAAAiE/MJe-R3p_91w/s1600-h/amandine.jpg
the music is "boom boom pow" - black eyes peas !
thanks for this challenge !

both cool LOs and i have saved concert tickets for this same reason :) thanks for this fun challenge and here's my music layout: http://justcolormescrappy.blogspot.com

I loved this challenge, here is my interpretation of the challenge.

My son is a musician and he has a band so this was so fun! Here is my LO:


Here is my LO, I made it a few months ago for a competition, the theme was Music so I printed out a song that ment a lot to me and attached it to the PP http://our-life-story.blogspot.com/2009/02/so.html
(scroll to the bottom of the post)

This was such a fun challenge! Here is mine: http://www.flickr.com/photos/36347066@N04/3744203163/ (I did a layout about my current playlist)

wow...lovin' everyone's take on the challenge... here's mine, decided to use the pictures from the chinese new year celebration with the lion dancing.... isn't he adorable!!!


Here's mine! Great challenge!


Here's mine!

Here's mine!

I have now had "splish splash" stuck in my head for two days! LOL! Thanks for the fun inspiration! Here is my page:

Just uploaded my go, http://scribblesnscrappin.blogspot.com/2009/07/rock-roll.html


Another Great Challenge!!!



Here's my take! I included a song sheet and some American Crafts music stickers on my layout!:)

Here's mine: http://marymacaskill.typepad.com/very_mary/2009/07/paolo-a-layout.html

I hope I made it! I love music and this challenge really pushed me to scrap about it! Thanks!


I hope I made it! I love music and this challenge inspired me to scrap about it! Thanks AC!


Blogs are so informative where we get lots of information on any topic. Nice job keep it up!!

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