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Tuesday, August 03, 2010


Gorgeous, Paige! And I love those red flats. :)

oh my word--that is ADORABLE!!!!!!!!

Very sweet purse Paige! Thank you for sharing!

pretty flowers

Cute purse Paige!

This is so adorable! Great idea!

Absolutely delightful!

Cute bag. Adorable belly :)

Your pregger belly is so cute with that purse! I know you meant to do that! :)

This is so darn amazing...and you look adorable!

tooo dang cute! just like you.

Love the purse! You are so creative!

Your purse is SO cute Paige...the layers of similar colored papers for the flowers are such a great idea! :o)

totally adorable!

So, so cute!!

absolutely LOVE!

Love the purse!

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