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Wednesday, October 05, 2011


wow, this is great news!! AC and SC are my fave lines of paper, so this should be awesome!!

That's awesome!!! Congrats to both sides on a great partnership!!! :) :) :)

Sounds awesome!

This us super fabulous news! Woohooooo!


Wow, I'm excited to learn that 2 of my favorite brands are now partners!! Great!!!

How exciting!!! WOW!! YAY!! :)

Another great move on your part! Studio Calico rocks!!!!! yay!

My two favourites reunited!!!!! Hurray!


oh wow!

WOW! fun :)

Great partnership!!

Sounds like a great partnership!!

Congratulations on a great new partnership -- I'm a giant fan of both companies. :)

Very cool news! You're two of my favorite companies!

oooh i hope that means we will be able to get sc in Australia now!

I like ANMJ on FB & just subscribed to the email feed! :)

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