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Wednesday, May 09, 2012


I clicked on the website, but it came up with an error.

Hey guys,
your links ain´t working properly.
Love ur new website :-*


OH I love it! I had to copy the link alone because it wasn't working as linked here. BUT OH so pretty :)

Link isn't working. On all of them.

is there a coupon code?

links are not working :(

Totally inspired today by the creative layouts and designs I have seen as I perused this site. Gotta go create somthing of my own- but I will be back! :)

Nice job!!

It shows all the items as available soon....how soon is "soon". Also will you be doing overseas shipping as I am having trouble getting hold of the Neopolitan stamp Jar etc..

Ohhh no shipping to Canada? >< boo....

The new site is beautiful! The colors are very vivid, and it can surely make more people want to try scrapbooking. The items featured in the site are so nice. And the gallery is a great place to take inspiration for future projects. Awesome website, you guys!

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