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Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Love all your creations. Especially the you are My favorite card - absolutely amazing

Gorgeous work Carina, as always;) You are a master on fun details! Loved to see your work here and I love Thickers too:) Hugs!

These are lovely! I'm absolutely in love with the "You're my favorite" card!

Hi Carina,

Nice cards there! I love all the embellishments you used especially the Amy Tangerine's layered stickers.

Did you use any dies to cut the various sizes of the hexagon shapes or just cut them free-hand with scissors (besides the scalloped scissors)?

Thanks for sharing your ideas! :)

Beautiful cards and layouts.

I love the hexagons, my favorite!

If you have access to Microsoft Word or PowerPoint, you can access many different shapes (including the hexagon) by clicking on Insert, then Shapes. This menu has many shapes that I size, then cut out. Also you can color them using the Format feature (right click on the element, then select Format, then click on drop-down "Color" tab).

Congrats on the GDT spot Carina. These projects are amazing! i love how inspiring your designs are!

love the different sizes of hexagons on one of your layouts. cool.

Fun and creative layouts and cards. Your projects and tips are great. Thanks for sharing.

Congrats, Carina! These are awesome and inspiring!

Love your cards!! Super cute!How did you cut your hexagons?With what machine?

Inadvertently kuona makala yako, mimi kuhisi ni sawa na mtindo wa uandishi na mimi kuona maudhui ya makala na furaha yake kama mwongofu, ni kweli thamani toreadyourarticle kama wamekutana Concert generallyalso matumaini kwamba utakuwa na kazi nzuri zaidi, na ya pekee shukrani. .

Thank you everyone for your sweet comments! This is how i made the hexagon shapes- I used photoshop to create the shapes in different sizes. Then i printed them and cut them out. I then used them as templates on my patterned papers, I traced around the edges using a pencil and then cut them out.
I hope this helps..:-)

Szia Annyira izgatott vagyok, találtam a blog oldalon, igazán találtam meg véletlenül, miközben kerestem a Yahoo valami mást, Akárhogy is vagyok most itt, és csak azt szeretném mondani, köszönöm fantasztikus posta és körös-körül élvezetes blog (Én is szeretem a témát / design), nekem nincs ideje végigolvasni az egészet, de abban a pillanatban van-jelölt könyvet, és azt is hozzá az RSS feedeket, így amikor időm lesz vissza olvasni sokkal többet, kérjük, ne tartsa fel a fantasztikus munkát.

Love your projects, Carina

Thanks for the hexagon instructions!! All your projects are so beautiful! Thanks for sharing with us.

Beautiful creations! Love how you worked with all the hexagons.

Impressive!! V creative & thematic Designs.. Thanks for sharing!

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