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Monday, May 27, 2013


So beautiful projects! And so awesome collection!

OH this collection makes my heart beat a little faster LOVE it! As far as what I am looking forward to this week well we have a doctor's appt. to check on how our little Bean is growing about and my little girl has a special tea party at school and my boys have some baseball games. A nice fun full week ahead indeed!

Beatiful collection!. Thanks for the chance!


I just love this bright fun collection!!! Perfect for my 3 girls! What I'm looking forward too...the end of school for my girls and not having to make lunches. HAHA!

Oh, I LOVE this collection. It's so perfect for summer! I am just so relieved that summer is here. My daughter's last day of school is Friday and we're going to spend the afternoon at the movies and having fun to celebrate!

Looking forward to all of the end of the school year activities. My daughter and I are making day books for each of her seven 8th grade classmates with pictures from the past year!

Love this bright and cheery collection. I'm simply looking forward to spending as much time as possible with my son who is home from
college:-) These moments will be precious and would not want to miss any of it!

Looking for a good outcome to my husbands surgery and the temperature staying under 100 a little while longer.

Beautiful collection and creations. I am looking forward to the possibility of winning.

So many things to look forward to this week...graduation parties, family gatherings and my birthday!!! Mayberry is just gorgeous...would LOVE to add it to my stash!

This Collection is so sweet and cute, the colors are amazing.
I want to complete many important projects I have by the end of the week.

Would love to have this gorgeous collection! I'm so looking forward to my one week vacation coming soon!! I plan on scrapping my heart out!

wonderful! i'm looking forward to next week because it gets us one week closer to school being out! it's my oldest's last year in grade school and i am so looking forward to the end of the year assembly...i cry every year and know i'll be sobbing like a fool this year!

Beautiful layouts girls !!!

Very nice colour and pattern. Looking forward to see sunshine for whole week next week.

We're going camping with our grandkids on Friday. Looking forward to a really fun weekend.

What a fun collection for summer! In the next week I am looking forward to the wedding that I will be catering for one of my friends from college in Texas...then back home to catch up on my scrappin! :)

Friday is the end of our school year, so that is very high up on my list of things I am looking forward to.

I am looking forward to DATE NIGHT!!:)

Loving this collection! I'm looking forward to my birthday this week! I always take it off from work to hang out and relax.

Oh, wow! I love this! I'd be thrilled to win! I'm looking forward to NO MORE COUGHING this week!!! Thanks!!! :-)

I'm looking forward to my dad's 50th surprise birthday party on Friday!!

I'm looking forward to going to Farmer's Market with my boys...I hope it doesn't rain :)

This week is going to be super busy, but I'm excited to enjoy every moment of it, including my girl's fifth grade graduation!!! Then it will be time to relax and enjoy summer. Thanks for the chance to win.

The line is PURE perfection! I am looking forward to sunshine and warm temps this week (after 1 full week of rain :( )

Great projects Paige and Lilith! I would love to win it! I'm looking forward to spending time outside with my daughter riding our 'matching' horses. Hers is about 13 hands and mine is over 16 hands! :)

Great projects! I am looking forward to sun after a week of rain (and snow!)

looking forward to an extra day off from work (even though I work today!)!

I'm looking forward going home for a week-long visit tomorrow!

I'm going vacations next week! Hurray!

Looking forward to closing out my kids' school year. My son has finals this week, finishing out his middle school years, and my daughter is finishing elementary school with science presentations and practices for the school talent show. We hope to go for a weekend getaway for ziplining too - the start of summer is almost here!
Mayberry looks wonderful. Thanks for the chance to win this fresh and summery line. Good luck to all. :)

I am looking forward to finally warmer weather and maybe even a bit sunshine, that would be great! Thanks for the chance to win!

This is such a sweet collection!
I'm looking forward to bringing the cucumbers out of the greenhouse & planting them in the veggie garden.

This line is amazing!
Friday next week is tha last school day of this year, and I'm looking forward to that.

I am looking forward to the warm sunny weather headed our way!

so looking forward to my daughter getting her braces and my little one graduating from preschool this week! thanks for the chance to win!

Love everything about this collection! Thanks for the chance to win. As for this week, I am looking forward to a short week, with just four days! Also heading to a friend's house for some craft time later, so that will be fun.

Love the colors in this collection! I am looking forward to starting my new job working with children all summer with the YMCA!

This week is my daughter's first ever dance recital! The theme/colors feature rainbows and flowers...this collection would tie in to that perfectly. It's just so fresh looking!

I've got this week off work, so I'm looking forward to some lunches out :)

It's such a gorgeous collection and you have done fabulous work with it.
What I'm looking forward to the most is my birthday party for friends this weekend!

Such a bright, beautiful collection! I'd love to scrap all my summer photos with this fun line. I'm looking forward to summer break from school.

Such a beautiful collection! I'm looking forward to the birth of my grandson this week! :)

Beautiful collection! I love your layouts ♥

I am looking forward to receiving a big, heavy box from US, loaded with scrapbooking supplies I've ordered. Can't wait!!!

Looking forward to completing my Key Largo layouts.

I get a teenager in the house tomorrow looking toward to scrapping those confident girls enjoying life

I'm looking forward to Friday night because Friday is the last day of school for all of my children. I have three 5th graders and they will be moving to middle school. So, the 5th grade kick-ball game and the 5th grade celebration walk is Friday. I will be a huge bawling mess! So, Friday night is reserved for cocktails with my husband and us watching the kids play.

This collection is perfect! It was just made for all of the photos of my daughter and her American Girl Doll escapades (she loves to do "photo shoots" with her dolls and scrap the photos).

I am looking forward to school being done in 3 more days!!! I love having my kids home for the summer!

Today is my BDay so i'm mostly looking forward to many chocolate cakes and present openings ;)

I am looking forward with sadness to my last high school concert on Thursday. My last child is graduating. Sigh.

I am looking forward to the last week of school...my children are bears in the mornings and I am happy to have two days off to do some crafty things.

In the next week, I am most looking forward to the end of the school year! Hip-hip-hooray!!!

love it!thanks for the chance to win!looking forward to a week of relaxing:)

Beautiful collection !
I am looking forward to garden with my family (if the sun agrees to be here !!)...

Love this classically darling line. I cant wait to spend so many fun days outside in the sun

Beautiful collection and I love all of the projects!

I am looking forward to a short work week.

What a beautiful collection!

I'm looking forward to sunshine and fun outside with my little girl.

In this next week, I am looking forward to recovering well from my recent thyroid surgery. Since I have the week off from work, maybe there will be some time to do a little scrapbooking too!!

Lovin this collection!!! I'm looking forward to recovering from my memorial day weekend....lol

Looking forward to rolling on with my active summer and getting out in the sunshine more!

I love the Mayberry collection.I am learning to crochet and I'm having another lesson on Friday night.I can't wait.

I am looking forward to a trip to the mall of America in MN!!!

For the coming week I want to do a LO using opposite sides of a border paper to emphasize the photo in between.

What a perfect summer collection! I'm looking forward to nice weather next week (finally!) and a chance to scrap hopefully.

Oh my goodness, so easy... I am looking forward to finishing another school year- I work in an elementary school as the counselor. And I was able to steal my daughter for three days of scrap booking in San Diego. Would sure love to bring a little Mayberry to create some pretty pages.

Looking forward to music class with my 2 year old son on Friday.

This is such a beautiful collection, perfect for summer photos. Looking forward to a party next weekend at my daughters.

Beautiful collection! The colors just make me happy. I'm looking forward to all the graduation activities for my son over the next several weeks. Thanks so much for a chance to win.

I am looking forward to a family reunion this coming weekend! :) Good food, family and fun - doesn't get better than that! Thanks for the chance to win - love the colors, patterns and motifs in Mayberry!

Not looking forward to anything next week. I love that strawberry paper.

Very pretty collection. I am looking forward to my mom coming home from the hospital.

Fun looking collection. I'm
looking forward to only having
to work 4 days this week! Yea!
Hope to go fishing sometime too.
Carla from Utah

Love the layouts by Paige and Lilith!! I am looking forward to our little boy turning 4 this Saturday!!

Those layouts are stunning and the collection is gorgeous. I love so many of the embellies!

Lovely line and projects! I'm looking forward to signing up for Taekwando for the next year... I think... eep! :)

I'm looking forward to actually showing off my SB album to someone other than my husband for the first time this week. :D

Thanks for a great giveaway!

Lovely! Thanks.

My kids are out of school as of Wednesday and we cannot wait! Summer, sunshine, & smiles here we come!

I'm looking forward to finding time to be creative! The last few weeks have been crazy busy so I'm hoping to find time to scrapbook this week...

I am looking forward to hearing more about my sister's trip to Europe as well as a job interview!

Great collection! I'm looking forward to going to a card workshop on Friday! Thanks for the giveaway!

thanks for the chance to win...the collection looks fun

I love the happy bright colors of Mayberry and these projects just made so much more excited about it - thanks for the chance to win!

Looking forward to going away for the weekend,as long as the snow doesn't close the roads.

Soooo looking forward to my days off! Love the crocheted embellishments!

Looking forward to a trip to London to see Mamma Mia - wanted to see it for soooo long! Great collection, love the 'bits' pack :)

wonderful collection. I'm looking forward to a week of relaxing.

My kids and I are looking forward to a campout on the field for our local baseball team, the Padres.

I'm looking forward to my birthday on Friday! :) Thanks for the chance to win!

Wow - lovely layouts! I'm really loving the bright colors of this line! I'm looking forward to my kids being home this summer - lots of fun times ahead! thanks AC!

the weekend off from work! thanks for the chance!

Looking forward to only having to work 3 days!

This collection is just so, so sweet! I'm looking forward to seeing my new nephew again this Friday!

Love it all! I am looking forward to the last week of school since I work at a library. Cannot wait to get started on all my summer projects!

love the colors! perfect summer collection! I'm looking forward to a weekend crop.

My dad has been in ICU for almost 2 weeks so I am looking forward to him moving to a regular room.

Looking forward to warm weather and bright colors!

I get some extra crafty time this week and I am looking forward to that!!! This is GORGEOUS collection!

I was ill last week and unable to do much of anything.This week I am looking forward to getting out and riding my bike.

Carol B

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