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Thursday, January 04, 2018


Oh my the tassels and inflated ephemera! Those would go on my summer travel journal!

The puffy stickers are delish! xo

Puffy stickers! The words and mini... love me some puffy stickers.

OMGOSH!!! I am CRAZY for this line!!!! I can't get enough of the word clips and the plastic clips! SO CUTE!

As always I love everything Amy comes up with - such a gorgeous line. The mini puffy stickers are totally adorable and the new wire word clips look like they'll be fun to play with. Can't wait to check it all out.

Oh my ! Everything look so fun !

All of it !!!!

I am in love!!!! So cute! Want it all!

oh wow! amazing

Loving it all! Amy does yet again! I'm loving how fun the colors of this collection is and the wire clips and stamps COME TO MAMA!

look at that rotary stamp! those designs--screams Amy Tangerine! Love it!

Oh coolness! I love the bright, cheerful colors and designs of Amy's newest collection! It looks super fun and versatile too--love getting more bang for my buck!!!

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